Hanging Around: DIY Clothing Hanger Idea

By Brittni • posted on 02/14/2024

DIY Indigo Dyed Wooden Hangers

A couple of years ago, I was going through our closet, organizing / hanging clothes and realized that we needed an ‘adult’ makeover. It just hit me as I was standing there picking my sweater up off the floor that had fallen off the hanger for the 100th time. ‘Brittni, you are in your late 20s! You can afford some new hangers, girl. And *gasp* they can also match if that’s what your little OCD heart desires.’ 

All of our hangers were mismatched and kind of crappy, at the time (broken plastic hanger here, bent up wire hanger there). So, we went to Ikea and bought a closet’s worth of wood hangers and moved on after I did a couple of cartwheels. It’s the little things.

But now that time has passed, I kind of wanted to give these hangers an upgrade again. Maybe a little pop of color? Just for fun? So, I did. And I turned it into a little organization tutorial in case you want to give your hangers a mini makeover along with me…

Indigo Dyed Clothing Hanger DIY

How To Dye Wooden Clothing Hangers


– wood hangers (mine are from Ikea, but I also really like these because they have indentions to prevent slipping)
– coarse sandpaper (40-60 grit)
– dye (I like Rit – they have tons of colors available on Amazon)
– paint brush
– sealant
– wooden beads (with a hole larger enough to fit onto the hanger hook)

How To

1. First you’ll need to remove the finish/sealant on the hangers with sandpaper. If you’re using unfinished wood hangers than you can skip this step.

DIY // Dyed Wood Clothing Hangers

2. Wipe off all of the dust with a cloth after the entire hanger has been sandpapered.

3. Then, pour some dye into a small bowl, with a teeny bit of water (just enough to dilute the color ever so slightly) and use the dye as you would paint. Dip your brush in and starting painting the wood. Let the dye dry before adding additional coats. It took me at least two layers of dye for each hanger to achieve the deep color that you see in the photos.

Dyed Wood Clothing Hangers Tutorial

4. Wait for the dye to completely dry, then add one to two coats of sealant, to seal in the color, so it doesn’t rub off on your clothes.

5. Then, thread a bead through the metal part of the hanger, and it’s ready to use. You can add a bead of glue to the inside of the bead if you want the bead to be secure. I didn’t feel the need for it because I wanted the option of being able to switch out the beads for different colors and shapes later, etc.

Dyed Wood Clothing Hangers Tutorial

DIY Dyed Wood Clothing Hangers Tutorial

DIY Clothing Hangers Idea

You could also try this project with acrylic paint instead of dye, for a different look.

OR skip the painting all together and just add beads to the top of each hanger hook for a little DIY flair.

And if you go that route, you could paint little designs onto the beads to add extra little details. Or even make your own beads with air dry clay leftover from this DIY hanging planter project.

DIY Clothing Hanger Idea

Acne Studios

DIY Clothing Hangers

Concept, photography, and styling by Brittni Mehlhoff

Think you’ll give your clothing hangers an organizational mini makeover like this one? And more importantly, does it drive you crazy too to have mismatched hangers in your closet?

29 comments | Click here to reply

[…] 11) Update your hangers with a bit of color and wooden beads! You can use different colored beads to organize your clothing by type. Found on Paper & Stitch. […]

| BHG Style Spotters

Hi Brittni, I really love these wooden hangers and how they look so simple to make and also strong. Thanks for sharing the step by step instructions. This is something that I should try out this weekend.


Cindy Hoffman

[…] And if you want to see this technique on hangers, you need to check out this beautiful project ASAP! […]

DIY Dyed Picture Frames - The Crafted Life

I like the bead idea and I might go one step further and bead color code mix-match outfits for quick access to pieces needed.


A little extra to your beads: color code outfits
So its easy to pickout clothes that go together in
A hurry.

helena page

[…] This project made my heart skip a […]

Friday Links - The Crafted Life

[…] ¿O un armario sin puertas? ¿Estás harta de las perchas de alambre de la tintorería? Pues personaliza unas perchas de madera y cambia totalmente el aspecto de tu ropa. Puedes incluso tener un código de colores para las […]

Ideas para el fin de semana - Demodé

Is it just me and my OCD or what about the different colors of beads? I would totally use the different colors to sort skirts, tops,sweaters, slacks etc. just a thought. Then it’s just a grab after first glance.


What sort of sealant, since clothes are involved?

Mary Laura Fitzgerald

Love the look of the mid/dark blue hangers! Mine are currently a mishmash of different hangers as well… I should really get my act together! Thanks for the spark of inspiration! (:

xx Jia, honeyandgazelle.wordpress.com


Great creative idea!

Keri Blair

This would be so cute for a little boutique!!

Xx Taylor

Taylor - Lights Camera Catwalk

I love the finished look of the hangers; I will definitely keep this tutorial in mind when I finally have the chance to fix my wardrobe xx



Such a lovely idea! The result is absolutely beautiful! So easy and yet so lovely!

Monique | WritingMonique

Im pretty sure my heart just skipped a beat! These are stunning!

Rachel | The Crafted Life

will definitely be trying, alwaya trying to keep wardrobe organised!xx

Erika | Just That DIY


Beautiful! I love the pinks with the blue! What a great idea.

Becky @dempsterlogbook

Awesome, Heather!


I love the wooden bead at the top! Getting all new hangers is on my to-do list soon!

Heather @ The Deans List Blog

Thanks Kel. Yeah, the mismatched hangers drove me crazy, until I finally broke down and bought the wood ones.


This is such a great idea!!! I hate having mismatched hangers in my closet… might need to try this!!!

Kelly @ Studio DIY

Thanks so much Gemma. Glad you like them.


I LOVE this idea!! How wonderfully simple yet super creative. Really adds something to an otherwise plain wardrobe!!


I like the seasonal idea, Rhianon. At the very least, you could switch out the beads to change up the look, as well. If you don’t feel like painting / dyeing again. Good idea.


Aw that’s a cool idea! You could totally do christmas themed ones and even switch them out each season 🙂


Totally hear you on that one, Darjeeling. I think, for me, it was more about the fact that I’ve been looking at the wood for the last year or two and just starting getting stick of it. So went with a change of pace in the looks department. I do think that just using the beads is a great alternative though. I’m sure it will look great with the wood, as is.


I think I personally wouldn’t paint the hangers but I love the idea with the pearls and think I might actually try that on mine! I do like them coloured as well but I have to admit I’ve always been a sucker for wood and its very own colour and texture. 🙂


Oh cool, Yukio. Thanks!


I was recently thinking about decorating hangers, this is great idea! Love the colors!!

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