Flip It + Reverse It: How to Sew a Reversible Pillow

By Brittni • posted on 05/13/2018

Sewing DIY // Learn how to sew a reversible pillow. It's so easy! #sewingproject #diypillow #diy #sewingdiy #modernhomedecor #modernhousewares

Because I feel pretty strongly that you can never have enough pillows in your house, I’m sharing a super simple (and reversible) DIY pillow project today that involves creating your own pattern on fabric.

Almost hard to believe that the mustard pillow in the front was once a blank placemat. Click through to make your own…and see what the color and pattern looks like on the reverse side.

Sewing DIY // Learn how to sew a reversible pillow. It's so easy! #sewingproject #diypillow #diy #sewingdiy

Materials for DIY Reversible Pillow

  • 2 plain placemats* that are the same exact size OR 2 pieces of heavyweight canvas that are both 12×18 or 14×20 (which are standard placemat sizes)
  • 2 paint markers that work on fabric (I especially like these from Amazon)
  • 1 bag of poly-fil stuffing – 12 to 16 ounces depending on how much you want to stuff it (for pillows)
  • straight pins

Instructions DIY Reversible Pillow

1. This first step is optional, but if you plan to create a painted pattern on your placemats before sewing, this is the time to do it. I used 2 paint pens (the first one ran out just as I was finishing up the first pillow side, so that’s why I suggested buying two) and created a basic pattern with a little bit of a mud cloth vibe – lines, dots, and horseshoe shapes. And drew a different pattern for each of the two sides to make them feel the most variable when it’s flipped over.

2. Once the two pieces have been painted and have had plenty of time to dry, flip the two pieces so the wrong sides are touching each other (right sides out) and pin them together on three sides (if desired – they don’t have to be pinned, it’s up to you).

3. Sew the first three sides, joining the two placemats together, being sure to backstitch at the beginning and end. The example pillow was sewn about 1/4 inch in from the fringe to give you a guide of where you might want to sew for your own pillow.

4. Stuff the inside of the pillowcase with poly-fil until you’ve reached the desired thickness. Then pin the open side closed and sewn the remaining side, backstitching at the beginning and end.

Sewing DIY // Learn how to sew a reversible pillow. It's so easy! #sewingproject #diypillow #diy #sewingdiy

That’s it! Now it’s ready to use. All materials considered, this project cost me $10 to make and looks far more costly that a $10 DIY.

My favorite kind of projects are the ones that don’t look like DIYs at all and I think this one (hopefully) qualifies. But let me know what you think.

DIY reversible pillow idea. Click through for the tutorial. #diypillow #sewingproject #diyhome

Clearly my fave side is mustard yellow, since I have the most photos of that one. Ha! But I like the simplicity of the black side too. Definitely a different look.

Sewing DIY // Learn how to sew a reversible pillow. It's so easy (and hand painted too)! #sewingproject #diypillow #diy #sewingdiy #modernhomedecor #modernhousewares

Sewing DIY // Learn how to sew a reversible pillow. It's super easy and it's hand painted too! #sewingproject #diypillow #diy #sewingdiy #modernhomedecor #modernhousewares

Sewing DIY // Learn how to sew a reversible pillow. It's so easy! #sewingproject #diypillow #diy #sewingdiy #modernhomedecor #modernhousewares

Photography Brittni Mehlhoff // Sewing Emma Spear

Which of the two sides do you like better on this DIY reversible pillow? Have any placemats or fabric scraps sitting around that you could use for this?






















13 comments | Click here to reply

Hi Janelle. I don’t have another source for the placemats if World Market doesn’t have them anymore. 🙁 But it’s more of a mustard color than rust, if you’re mixing your own paint to match. Let me know if you have any other questions.


Help! I’m trying to match the goldenrod color with mixed fabric paints because world market only carryons the grey placemat. I am painting the inside of the grey. It’s very close, but not quite there. If you have a different source to the goldenrod one, please share. I’m not sure if yours is more mustard or rust color?? Thanks!


Hi Tiffany. I bought the placemats from World Market.


[…] lots and lots of pillows…including one in particular that might look familiar…my $10 DIY reversible pillow made from placemats. To take a page from nearly every hotel room I’ve ever visited, I also […]

Room Reveal: A Guest Room / Home Office with Renter Friendly Design Solutions - Paper and Stitch

Thanks for sharing! These are adorable! Can you tell me where I can find placemats like these?
Thanks in advance!

Tiffany 🙂


Would love to do this for my other chair that don’t have a pillow like my sofa does. Hadn’t seen a matching pillow but I would like to make one with the same colors as the pillows I bought with my sofa.

Lakisha Friday

[…] I would have never had guessed that these pillows are actually made from placemats. An inexpensive alternative to purchasing pillows! (Paper & Stitch) […]

13 Beautiful & Budget-friendly Home Decor DIYS

What a fabulous way to use placemats! Thanks so much for sharing this tutorial. We’ve included it in our latest Top 10 In Craft Roundup. https://craftylikegranny.com/love-handmade/ Cheers Jodie 🙂


I love the look of the edges on this pillow. Your tutorial is easy to follow too. This would be a great craft for a beginning sewer also, like my granddaughter. Thanks!


Very well done tutorial!!!!

Marie Hatcher

These are great!
You can also find placemats that have two pieces of fabric sewn together, then gently pick out the stitching with a seam ripper or tiny scissors, stuff with stuffing, then resew. I made the cutest Christmas pillows with a beaded snowflake design that way.


I love the idea, especially that you reused two placemats for this!


The reversible pillows are so cute!!! I love how they turned out.

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