Before + After: Becky’s Romantic Wardrobe DIY Makeover

By Brittni • posted on 01/03/2016

Today, I’ve asked Becky Klass of the blog B-Real…Happy to share her wardrobe/hutch makeover with us. I actually found Becky’s blog through one of the comments she left here on the blog. And when I saw how she transformed this piece of furniture, I just knew I had to have her drop by and share it with you. So…

The following is a guest post by Becky Klaas of B-Real…Happy.

I found this beauty in an old home downtown. She was sitting there waiting for someone to come along and give her a fresh, much needed new image. She was in pretty bad shape and needed a lot of tlc. But I was up for the challenge.

She has made herself at home in my bedroom. I have purple walls with little light in my bedroom so I wasnt able to get a good picture. I had to take the picture in a different room. The purple contrasts beautifully with the white, grey and the little surprise of peach.

I didnt repair everything on the wardrobe. I wanted a bit of her past to shine through. So, I left the top corner curled up and some of the existing teal that was not removed faintly shows through in a place or two. I added new door hardware and a damask grey wall covering. The damask pattern is made with animal silhouettes….the main reason why I fell in love it.

About Becky: Becky runs the blog, B-Real…Happy. She describes it as a place for her to explore, create, dream, live, become, love, inspire and be inspired. How sweet is that? Visit Becky’s blog now for more inspiration.

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So pretty!

Monica Livas

[…] week, Becky Klaas showed us how she transformed her run down wardrobe into a fresh, romantic piece of furniture. And this week Becky is back with another furniture makeover. This time, she’s […]

Before + After: French Flair Chairs | papernstitch

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Gorgeous! She did a great job fixing it up, I probably would have justed used it as it was to start with.


You’re so right Cindy. I hadn’t really thought about that, but Becky really did keep a lot of the previous charm in the finished piece. Thanks for popping in and leaving a comment.


I love this makeover! I love how she kept the original beauty of the cabinet…


Yes Mai. The white washed antique look is so pretty. It’s completely opposite of the decor in my home, which is probably one of the reasons I like it so much. 🙂


I love this!! I’ve been wanting to do something like this with my own furniture for quite some time. Becky’s wardrobe is a perfect example of the white-washed antique look.


I agree with you Teacup Adventure. On another note, I just took a look at your blog link and am so impressed. I love it! Beautiful inspirations (especially longing for spring post). Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.


absolutely beautiful!

teacup adventure
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