Hey Shortie: An Easy Summer Shortcake Bar with Fresh Fruit and Homemade Whipped Cream

By Brittni • posted on 07/01/2018

Love this easy shortcake dessert bar for summer entertaining (especially July Fourth). It's filled with fresh fruit and homemade whipped cream...even a few edible flowers. #julyfourth #summerentertaining #dessertbar #yum #summer

I love pairing fresh seasonal fruits with something decadent for summer. So, when I started thinking about a unique desert bar for summertime get-togethers, this shortcake dessert bar quickly came to mind. Also great for July Fourth!

You can buy pre-made shortcake biscuits from Trader Joes (they’re really good, I promise) or make your own and then all you need is some homemade whipped cream and your favorite sliced up seasonal fruits. I also love sprinkling in some edible flowers, just for looks, which I can almost always find at Whole Foods in the fresh herbs section. Elevates a simple dessert to a whole other level.

How to Throw Together a Summer Shortcake Bar with Fresh Fruit and Homemade Whipped Cream. Great for July Fourth and all summer long! #summer #summerrecipes #julyfourthideas #julyfourth

My favorite fruits to include for the shortcake bar are:

  • white necatrines
  • yellow peaches
  • strawberries
  • blueberries
  • blackberries
  • mango

Then you just slice everything up, and place them in individual bowls along the table, with a big pile of shortbread biscuits and a big batch of homemade whipped cream and it’s ready to go! I love this idea for summer get-togethers, like July Fourth, because it’s super easy to prep and guest can serve themselves so you can just enjoy yourself.

Make a Summer Shortcake Bar with Fresh Fruit and Homemade Whipped Cream. Great for July Fourth and all summer long! #summer #summerrecipes #julyfourthideas #julyfourth

How to Throw Together a Summer Shortcake Bar with Fresh Fruit and Homemade Whipped Cream. Great for July Fourth and all summer long! #summer #summerrecipes #julyfourthideas #julyfourth

Fresh peaches for a summer shortcake bar. Great for July Fourth and all summer long! #summer #summerrecipes #julyfourthideas #julyfourth

How to throw together a summer shortcake bar! Great for July Fourth and all summer long! #summer #summerrecipes #julyfourthideas #julyfourth

Photography Amelia Lawrence

Are you a shortcake fan? What is your go-to dessert for summer entertaining?

3 comments | Click here to reply

Yummy so delicious

The Pink Pineapple

Thanks Michelle. I made these my family recently again and they were equally delicious. 🙂 Definitely going to keep making these for dessert.


That looks super delicious, what a great idea!

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