Tips for Selling the Handmade Way

By Brittni • posted on 07/07/2021

One of my favorite things to talk about here on the blog is small business. Unfortunately, I don’t give as many tips or write as many advice columns as I would like to. BUT fortunately there are plenty of other people out there who write about small business on a daily basis. Like Bonnie Forkner for example, who you may already know from her popular craft blog, Going Home to Roost, or perhaps from her three adorable Etsy shops. Bonnie has just launched a wonderful e-book and e-course that is sure to satisfy your need for a crafty business fix. Here’s the info…

New Seller in Need of some Guidance? GHTR just launched a new e-course, Selling the Handmade Way. It’s for beginner/intermediate sellers of handmade goods to learn more about their indie biz and how to make a name for themselves. The class will start on September 6th and will last 7 weeks. The class will cover everything from product photography to website SEO.

Click here to view more details about Selling the Handmade Way.

Just looking for some free advice? Bonnie has also compiled a free e-book called Best of the Shop Help Series. It’s chalk full of the best tips from Going Home to Roost’s weekly biz articles over the past year, and free for anyone to download. So, head on over and check it out.

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Great suggestion Mai. The more links to business tips the better, right?


interesting reading thanks for sharing 😉


Love it!! Information for small business crafters is always a plus. I’ve just downloaded the pdf file and read the entire thing. It’s helpful, especially if you’re starting up. Might I also recommend Etsy’s own resources, the Seller’s Handbook? This lovely collection of tips covers everything under the sun, and it’s free. A lot of the information on it is tailored to selling on Etsy, but you can apply it to your own business even if you don’t have an Etsy store. You can find it here:

Many thanks Bonnie, for sharing your tips with us!


Oooh exciting!

Lately I’m a bit obsessed with reading on how to improve my little business, so all these reading tips will get bookmarked for some late-night reading…
As long as there’s good sewing light, I should be in the studio, sewing as a good girl does. Because you know tip n° 1 is (and always will be): “Make product!” 😀

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pilli pilli
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