Five Things in 2015

By Brittni • posted on 01/06/2015

Five in 2015

I took a good chunk of time off, over the holidays to wind down after the busy year. And I ended up doing a whole lot of nothing – vegging out on the couch, playing cards with my family, etc. It was awesome.

After a week and half of winding down though, you’d probably assume (I did too) that I’d be ready to go back to work super refreshed and feeling ready to tackle the world, but that’s not what happened.

When Sunday rolled around, I ended up feeling like I needed more time. More time to relax, more time to do nothing. Just more time in general.

I hadn’t set aside any days to reflect on 2014 yet, nor had I written down a list of goals or resolutions for 2015. I didn’t feel ready to tackle much of anything, much less the world. Eek.

I started thinking about why it had been so important to me to reflect on the past year before moving forward into the next. Was I coming up with excuses? Should I assume that because I didn’t immediately jump on the resolutions bandwagon that I’m destined for a subpar year? Or maybe I just needed the time off more than I needed to plan for the next year? I fell asleep without any answers and woke up the same.

BUT whatever the answer may actually be, I’m just going to embrace what is.

I don’t have it all figured out, and I don’t have to just because 2015 has now arrived. Right?

Pineapple, Anyone?

Surprisingly, once I came to terms with that, it kind of freed up my mind to think about those things I was previously stressing over… A path for the future, things I hope to accomplish this year, etc. Funny how that happens, huh?

I decided not to label these ‘things’ as goals or resolutions for the future. Instead, it’s just stuff I want to work on in 2015.

Curious to know my five for 2015? Here ya go…

1. Try new things. In my personal life and in my business. It’s easy to get set in your ways, and I am certainly guilty of that from time to time. So, this is number one on my list. 2015 is going to be an adventure. Which means trying new things, even if they make me feel uncomfortable.

2. See the bigger picture. This goes for business and my personal life. In year’s past, I often felt like I was just trying to keep my head above water and get all of my to-dos done on time. This year, I’ll be stepping back (figuratively) a lot more to see the bigger picture. Recognizing what things I’m doing well, what things need to be improved upon, and how each and everything I am doing is helping me work towards a larger goal. Whatever that larger (unspecified) goal may be.

3. Take better care of myself and others. This is a big one. It is so easy to focus on work, work, work for me and completely neglect taking care of myself and/or the people around me. Exercising, eating well, nurturing my relationships with family and friends, etc. This year, I’m working on it. All of it.

4. Travel more. This past year, I was fortunate enough to do a decent amount of traveling (for business and pleasure). But in 2015, I want to hit the travel bug hard. The posts I shared from our trip to St Thomas / USVI last year were some of the most pinned posts of the year, which makes me think that you’d be interested in seeing more travel posts around these parts as well. But let me know if I’m wrong in assuming that. I won’t cry, I promise.

5. Challenge myself creatively. One of my major passions is this blog, of course. But I have other interests too, and this year, I want to challenge myself to pursue those interests (alongside the blog). Namely, styling, which I’d ideally like to add as an arm of the Paper & Stitch brand. I’ll be integrating this side a little more with the blog redesign, which is coming soon (yay). In the meantime though, if you know anyone looking to hire a prop stylist (either locally in Atlanta or nationally), I’d love to chat with you. Shoot me an email here brittni(at)papernstitch(dot)com.

Alright. It’s your turn! I kind of spilled my guts about this whole resolutions and goals thing. So I’m curious to know what your stance is. And…Did you find it tough to get back into the swing of things this week or were you ready and raring to go? 

19 comments | Click here to reply

I am printing out your resolutions as a reminder for myself. Although I do not have resolutions I do have goals. Thank you for the inspiration.

Mary Kay

What a great list! Trying new things and seeing the bigger picture are so important, but so hard to do sometimes. Keeping afloat while starting a business is challenging, that’s for sure!

Angelique Stewart

[…] Five Things in 2015, by Paper & Stitch […]

Hello from a Frigid 2015 Jade and Fern

I am still in a holiday hangover! I could use another month before I get back to life but life just isn’t listening! I am focusing this year on myself, my goals and my health. Saying no more. Doing nothing more. Doing nothing is severely underrated.
xoxo, Laura


1. Try new things <- I broke up with my boyfriend of 2.5 years in late 2012, so for 2013 I decided to do this ("try new things"). Called it the "year of yes." It was followed by 2014: the year of no, because I was tired. Hahaha. But it's definitely a lot of fun to try new things and push yourself out of your comfort zone sometimes!

<3 Kelsea | Kels Shark

Kelsea Echo

I have a lot of similar goals. I want to spend more time with friends/family, being outside, traveling, experiencing the world and trying new things. And schedule more “quiet time” meditating/studying/reading. Last year I started exercising for the first time and although it was hard (as in physically hard to even do the stuff, going from sedentary to movement- the muscles were atrophied) at the start it drastically improves health and creativity. You’ve just gotta have it to be complete.

I also wanted to say I feel you on the malaise, too. I was still foggy-brained and needed rest at the start of the year. It’s been hard to get started, whereas previous year I was raring to go. Sometimes you just need that push to start the momentum and you keep rolling. I think I’m getting there. Thanks for the confession, I may have to share a similar one, it was really tought to get going this year for a lot of us.

Good luck hitting all your goals, I know you’ll do it. 😀


[…] yesterday’s confession, I’m feeling a little bit more on track for the new year. So, I made some DIY notebooks to […]

Cover Me: DIY Leather and Wood Covered Notebooks | Paper and Stitch

Great goals! I am sure it’s all gonna work out and I am already curious about your creative challenges!

Monique | WritingMonique

I’m definitely going to try and travel more as well – I’d love to see posts about your journeys!


I’m glad you were able to take so much time off, B! You deserve it. And I totally wasn’t ready to get back in action either. I love these five “things” of yours and I’m so excited to watch you conquer ’em!

Kelly @ Studio DIY

Going back to the day to day routine is hard after a break! Unfortunately, I was sick through most of the holidays but the time spent with family and friends was still immeasurable. Can’t wait to see where you will travel to in 2015! xo


These are all great! I love how they are kind of all-encompassing instead of extremely specific.

chelsea jacobs

I like your honesty here! I got mine down as a sort for release for things I have been thinking about lately, but I think it’s equally as great to just wait until you find the motivation to do so, or even not at all. I’m looking forward to the changes you have planned! Happy 2015!


Great list you have here !! I know what you mean about getting started- but once I had mine down on the blog it made me more determined to actually get on with them ! Travel is a great goal as that is the one thing that is always worth the money !
Happy new year =]

Victoria @ Alf & Emilio

Nice resolutions! Travelling more is always a good idea! For me this is a quite scary moment… I’ve decide to work at home, my blog now will be my full-time job. It’s scary! I have lots of question about blogging. Finger crossed! Have a nice new start!


I felt exactly the same way on Sunday, I sort of felt like I’d wasted my time off by doing nothing but when I thought about it, it was the most perfect two weeks so why regret it! We all need time to just be ‘vegetables’ and hang with our family. Love your five picks, travel more is on my list too! xo

Abby Smith

Happy New Year, Brittni! I’m glad that you were able to relax a bit during the break. Doing nothing is sometimes the best way to spend your time! I certainly enjoyed my time to veg out a bit during the holidays. I, too, found it tough to get back in the swing of things. I woke up on Monday feeling a bit drained, as if I could still use another week of vacation. But, I dragged myself out of bed and went into the office (even though it was my day to work from home). I’m glad I did not delay the inevitable! It actually felt good to get a few things accomplished. Oh…and love your 5 “things.” Here’s to new adventures both personally and professionally!


I had the same kind of reaction when my holiday was coming to an end. I personally still not sure whether I would like to set goals for 2015. I may just go for month to month goals. Hope you are having a good new year so far!


Traveling is definitely on the cards for me as well this year! Wishing you the best 2015 🙂

xx angela | the sunday chapter

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