My Favorite Brands for (Well Made) Cool, Gender Neutral Baby Clothes

By Brittni • posted on 07/04/2024

Gender neutral baby clothing in various earthy colors.

If you have a son, you already know what I’m about to say is true. Cool / cute boy clothes are WAY more difficult to find than girl clothes. It’s just a fact.

When I found out we were having a boy (back in 2018), I couldn’t have been more excited.

But what I quickly learned about having a boy was that I was going to have to search MUCH harder than I thought to find cute / cool baby clothes for boys.

Cute girls clothes are a dime a dozen…you can find those anywhere it seems…even Target has some cute baby girl stuff. But boys stuff – it’s just not easy to find….at least for the style of clothing that I like.

I don’t generally like kid’s clothing that has illustrations on it, but especially don’t love the typical trucks, cars, and dino motifs that seem to be on nearly every mainstream boy item around.

BUT, good news! Once I started finding brands and shops that carried things I was drawn to, I realized that nearly every single thing I like also happens to be gender neutral.

Which honestly made me like them even more, for many reasons really. But one of the obvious ones is that if we have more kids and end up having any girls, they’ll still be able to reuse literally anything that our son has worn.

So, I started searching online and on trips when we would go somewhere new (pre-Covid obviously) and eventually put together a pretty big list of brands and shops with awesome gender neutral baby clothes.

I mentioned this one day on my stories and got soooo many DMs from moms asking where I shop.

So today I’m sharing the BIG list! Here’s my list of cool, gender neutral baby clothes – broken down into shops AND specific brands to make it easy.

Quick note before I get into everything… Some of the brands that I buy can be on the pricier end because I try (when I can) to buy good quality stuff that I can keep for future babies and (hopefully) pass down to my baby’s babies whenever that time comes.

My mom did this with some of my clothes and I am so grateful to have some of those pieces for Hayes.

But also, the high quality stuff just doesn’t fall apart as easily.

Which means I can buy less clothing than I would have to if my kid was wearing cheap stuff that only gets a handful of wears until it’s almost not wearable anymore.

I completely recognize that going this route is not everyone’s cup of tea. BUT I feel good about supporting small businesses. 

And there’s always the sale section, right?! I’ve scored so many super cute outfits for the baby by shopping the sale section of the brands and shops below.

And then when something in the full price category is just too cute to resist, I’ll pick that up too. It’s a balancing act, for sure. So keep that in mind…

Images of kids and babies wearing gender neutral baby clothing.

Gender Neutral Baby Clothes: Online Shops with Lots of Brands

1. Smallable

This online shop has SO many good brands to shop, it may take you a while to get through it all.

Check out the Smallable outlet section too for really good deals. 

P.S. Jeff and I visited their concept store a couple of years ago in Paris and it is amazing if you can ever go! There’s another little baby shop just a few doors down from it too that is very chic Paris baby, if you’re into that sort of thing.

2. Merci Milo

Not a ton of clothes at Merci Milo, because they’re more known for unique / cute toys and things like that. But what they do have clothing-wise is really great.

3. Taylor + Max

I shared this online kids shop recently with some other Black owned businesses I love, but I wanted to share it here too. Taylor + Max carries brands I absolutely love (and maybe you do to) – like Misha and Puff, Olli Ella, 1+ In The Family, and Quincy Mae.

4. Maisonette

Another good one. Like Smallable, Maisonette carries LOTS of great kids clothing brands, toys, decor, and more.

5. Noble

Another great shop! Noble sells kids clothes (and clothes for adults) that are organic and sustainably produced. 

I try to buy ethically made clothing (for myself and for Hayes) whenever possible. I’m not perfect, and it doesn’t always happen, but I continue to work at it, and I love shops like this one that are committed to that mission.

6. Darling Clementine

I can always find something good here for baby boys and they ship super quick!

7. Vincent’s Threads

This is one of my secret gems. Great vintage pieces at super affordable prices.

I’ve bought a few pairs of overalls from here and the cutest little vintage sneakers.

8. Seed Factory

This is a local Atlanta shop that I used too go to pretty frequently for when we still lived there.

They have great clothes and toys – and an online shop too. So, you don’t need to live there to shop there.

Photos of earthy color baby clothes (and kids clothes).

Gender Neutral Baby Clothes: Brands I Love

1. Bobo Choses

Probably one of my favorite baby / kids brands. They have tons of cool stuff for boys (and girls) and are based in Spain.

You can find the brand all over Europe…but it’s not as widely spread here in the states. 

I snagged a bunch of stuff on our last trip to London and Amsterdam and order online from a few places that ship to the states. Although, I’ve been seeing it pop up more and more recently here too. 

It’s not all gender-neutral BUT a lot of it is! And I’m also the type of person that is not afraid to put a boy in pink and a girl in blue.

So, I still kind of consider even the gendered stuff from Bobo to be neutral enough for boys AND girls.

2. Mabo

I think my sister-in-law introduced me to Mabo when she was pregnant with her son, and I thought everything was so sweet and simple.

Good quality neutrals and everything is designed and manufactured in the USA.

I really like the fit on their clothing too – it fits more snug than other brands, which I personally love.

3. Millk

Love this brand! I got these little knit shorts and also really want this sweater (the colors!!).

Also love their overall onesies…again the colors!

4. Go Gently

Great gender neutral basics for boys and girls, made of organic cotton in Los Angeles (yep, USA made).

Everything that Hayes has from Go Gently is something he wears over and over again – good quality, soft, and cute (but simple).

5. Misha and Puff

They have adorable hand knit clothing for babies, kids, and women. Because the items are hand knit, they’re not cheap (as you can imagine).

BUT it’s so worth it to have one or two heirloom pieces from MP if you can swing it.

They also carry some dresses and skirts, but many of the pieces (tops, sweaters, shorts, rompers, etc) are gender neutral. And all of it is adorable!

If the price tag isn’t quite in your budget, they also offer some of their styles in purchasable patterns right here.

So, if you knit, or have someone in your family that wants to make something for baby, send them here. Super cute stuff!

I sent my mom this link when she was looking for something to knit for the baby and while she ended up going with something else, it was super helpful in establishing a style that I liked, etc.

6. Fin & Vince

Great basics, solid colors, and earthy tones.

All of the Fin & Vince pieces Hayes has feel like classic, vintage styles (even though they’re new) and look good with pretty much anything they’re paired with.

He wears a couple of the vintage style tees from them a lot!

7. Hey Gang

Super cute clothes (I am especially fond of the chore coats and kids pants) that can be chain stitched with your kiddos name!

8. Milk Teeth

If you’re looking for more unique and colorful clothing for kids, I strongly recommend Milk Teeth. They’re cardigans are adorable and pants…and shirts…honestly everything!

9. Tiny Cottons

This is a Barcelona based kids brand that’s is playful and cool.

The patterns range from which and design-y to quirky and fun and the quality is really good quality too.

So far, I’ve bought a few bibs from Tiny Cottons, along with a couple of pairs of pants and tops.

10. Red Creek Kids

Cool linen kids clothes that are made to last! I love the simple silhouettes at Red Creek Kids – pretty timeless.

Making them the type of thing that you can pass down from kid to kid and it will still look cool and current.

11. Jamie Kay

This New Zealand based brand is adorable.

Hayes has a JK jumper and a whole bunch of socks too (great neutral colors).


This brand was started by two mothers in Melbourne and is all about basic seasonless apparel for babies and toddlers (inspired by Japanese design).

13. Mebie Baby

Affordable basics for babies. Most of their bodysuit / onesies are around the $20 mark and come in cool, muted colors.

And they also have swaddles, blankets, and crib sheets.

14. Oeuf

I first became familiar with Oeuf years and years ago as a furniture line for babies and kids.

And later discovered they also make cute clothes too and are based in NYC.

15. Simple Folk

Really cute minimalist basics in neutral / earthy colors.

Everything is ethically made and organic too.

16. Quincy Mae

The sister company to Rylee and Cru – everything from Quincy Mae is made with organic cotton. They have great basics for everyday and pjs.

The staples that I buy from them are the ribbed bloomers, ribbed leggings, and ribbed onesies. They’re all so, so soft!

17. Soor Ploom

If you’re a linen fan, you’ll like this brand. Most of the clothing at Soor Ploom is geared towards girls, but they have some basics that work great for boys too – mainly the rompers.

18. North of West

Another cute brand for boys (and girls). They have baby and kids sizes, along with womens and home.

19. Kid Wild

Another great organic, gender neutral company for baby clothes.

Hayes had a few of their bodysuits and drawstring pants.

20. Pulp Co

The coolest handmade hats for babies, kids, and adults. Hayes has a few of these hats and they are THE best!

They’re made ethically / responsibly, and toxic free with organic materials. And they’re also really cute.

21. New Kids in the Hood

NKitH makes super cool hats for kids too.

22. Rudy Jude

Plant dyed essentials for the entire family – babies, kids, men, and women.

I love Rudy Jude – the clothes and the mission.

And there is a Rudy Jude shop in Venice, right next to Older Brother, if you’re in LA.

Gender neutral baby clothing in various earthy colors.

Shopping Good Quality Baby / Kids Clothes at a Discount

And then as a last little mention, I also have had some good luck finding cute stuff in some less likely places you may not have thought to look, that I wanted to mention, since they’re more budget-friendly…

1) Thrift stores and consignment stores might be a place you haven’t thought to explore yet.

There’s obv going to be a lot more ‘not cute’ stuff to sift through.

BUT the prices are so good, it’s worth it if you find a few things. And if you’re looking for vintage specifically, you might really find something cool!

Buying things secondhand is also good for the environment, and speaking of which…

2) I’m very into Noihsaf.kiddos on Instagram right now.

Which is an IG account where you can buy and sell kid’s clothes (and MANY of the brands on the list above are being sold through that account).

There’s also a bunch of other categories outside of kiddos. Go to Noihsaf Bazaar for more info on all the categories. 

I’ve bought and sold through here before. Highly recommend.

Poshmark, Kidizen, and The Real Real also have great discounted (pre-loved) stuff for babies and kids too.

I just type in the brands I’m searching for and usually find at least a few things I love…from Bobo Choses, Misha and Puff, Go Gently, etc.

I’ve purchased from all three of these for Hayes in the past as well. I’ve sold some old clothes of Hayes’ on Poshmark too – shop my closet.

And then, if you like more ‘recognizable’ designer clothes (i.e. not what I listed above – more like Stella McCartney Kids, Mini Rodini, etc) but don’t want to break the bank, try the outlet versions of department stores… Saks Off Fifth, Nordstrom Rack, and Last Call.

You can find some cute stuff in store if you’re willing to dig. And the discounts are really good. I’ve found a couple of things this way.

3) For basics (onesies, pajamas, etc), I’ve found a few things on Amazon too. You just have to know what to search for…

The brand L’ovedbaby has some solid color onesies, overalls, etc (and a lot of the styles are also made of organic cotton).

And these rompers from Mini Honey are cute, but I’m not sure on the quality since I don’t own any.

4) Last but not least, you can find some good deals on Etsy! Especially for vintage.

Some of it isn’t exactly in the gender neutral category, but if you dig around, you’ll find some cute stuff.

You just have two check it regularly to keep up with new items that are being added.

2 comments | Click here to reply

What a great list! Love all of them. You have such a great collection. I will definitely update my kid’s wardrobe with these.


Great information. Thanks!

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