One of my favorite things to do when a new year starts is organize and clean. Especially when it comes to my office and workspace areas. It just makes me feel inspired and ready to tackle the world again. Does it do the same thing for you?
So, I thought it would be good to roundup a handful of awesome (and tidy) workspaces for inspiration to kick off the first Interior Obsessions post of the new year.
1. (above) a very organized workspace, with a super cool pegboard wall
2. an all white workspace, with the beginnings of an inspiration wall
3. a light-filled office with thoughtfully placed accessories and furniture
4. a space with plenty of storage and shelving
5. an office with contained clutter (in a good way) and loads of storage
6. and finally, a completely cleared desk area, ready for inspiration to strike
What inspires you to come up with new ideas and get back to work after a break? Do you find having a clean workspace helps or are you in the ‘messier the better’ camp when it comes to your workspace?
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[…] Favorite Organized Space […]
Favorite Things Friday #4 - Love of Family & HomeThe white container is from West Elm. Here’s the link
papernstitchWhere do you find the white ceramic containers for your tools? I’ve been trying to find them to put utensils in them
Samantha MorloteMine is neither clean nor organized. Joanna 🙂
Addicted to CraftsKel – I can help you organize in March, if it’s not done yet. Or just do floor angels all day long in that amazing space! Either one.
papernstitchAs I sit in my disaster of a workspace… I hope to have a studio that clean and organized some day! Love the white floors and that peg board!
Kelly @ Studio DIYI totally know what you mean Drycha. It’s definitely a task to keep things clutter-free and organized, but I’m always up for a good challenge. 🙂
papernstitchBeautiful spaces! I would love to have such a tidy and light place. By now I have to deal with messy crowded room. but one day… 😉
DrychaYes! Clutter is draining isn’t it, Annie? Admittedly, sometimes clutter is necessary….during a big project or something. But making my workspace clean again after the messy projects are done feels so good.
papernstitchClean workspaces make a WORLD of difference! Clutter tends to drain me, and I feel psychologically cluttered too. I like the white open spaces and organized cubbies for everything to go into!