(R.A.W.) Free Printable: Create Positivity with the Three Good Things Worksheet

By Brittni • posted on 06/14/2011

This free printable is in conjunction with Reader Appreciation Week here on Papernstitch. Thank you so much to everyone who reads this blog and has made it what it now is!

I’ve found that it helps to take a few minutes at the end of each day to think about the good (or even great) things that have happened earlier in the day. And writing it down is even better- I don’t know why, but writing down the positive things that have happened in your day, will help you wipe away those more negative elements. And leave you feeling happy and worthwhile. At least, that’s how it works for me.

So, I created a free printable to help you remember the good things that happened today (and every other day). It’s a downloadable pdf where you can list three good things that happen each day. Just print one out for each day of the week: print it, write it down, and save each page to look back on later (it will help heal your heart on those less than perfect days).

Download the free printable now: 3 Good Things List.

No opt-in required. Yippee!

27 comments | Click here to reply

My son and I do this every night, even on days that are hard to find anything positive. I know by focusing and being thankful for all the good things in our lives, it helps me stay upbeat and spot the good stuff and opportunities that are coming my way.

Excellent idea and thank you for sharing!

Sandy Rowley

What a great way to think through your day. Love this!


What a nice thoughtful idea. I appreciate it.


[…] 1. Angefangen hat es auf Pinterest mit diesem Foto einer kostenlosen Druckvorlage auf papernstitchblog.com […]

three good things that happened today « 3♥Dinge

Thanks! Just tweeted your lovely sheet!


How can I missed this… what a great way to think positively… thank you for sharing Brittni… I’ll share this in twitter too…

April San Pedro

I love this printable! Often I get wrapped up in my day to day life that I forget to think about all the beauty that I’m surrounded with. This will definitely help me to stay on the right track and be grateful for it all. Thanks for sharing!

Megan Curtis

[…] Three good things printable from paper n stitch […]

friday freebies ~ a round-up of pretty | 74 Lime Lane

[…] Create Positivity with Three Goods Things – A printable list to remind yourself of the good that happens in each and every day by Papernstitch. […]

Saturday Favorites | After Nine To Five { love. laugh. eat. design. repeat }

[…] RT @papernstitch: “writing down the positive things from your day, will help wipe away those more negative elements” http://bit.ly/jWIItU […]

weekend zest ~ find colours, cards and cool ideas | 74 Lime Lane

Aw, thank you Gabi. 🙂 How sweet.


I absolutly LOVE this blog. You are amazing girl. Congrats from Brazil.

Gabi Fiuza

I do actually try to stop during the day and focus on things to be thankful for.


[…] they love their readers.  This week has been their R.A.W. week (Reader Appreciation Week) and this post is all about finding the positive parts of the day and writing them down.  They have created a […]

Overwhelmed and Understaffed…

what a lovely idea! thanks so much for sharing. as a new mum with a one week old bub I can see this as a great way to remind me of all the good things happening on days when it gets a bit hard!


Hi Vics. No I don’t mind at all- link away. 🙂


Love this! I just finished a course in mindfulness meditation yesterday… one of the most interesting things I took out of it was that it has apparently been proven that you sleep for up to 30 minutes longer if you take the time to list things you’re grateful for before you go to sleep…. hope you don’t mind if I link to this?!


Thanks for all the love everybody. I am feeling the positivity right now. Hehe. 🙂


I love the idea of documenting the good things that happen in your day. It is so easy to let the bad things that happen write the history of a day using these would be a great way to take back you day! Will be printing some when I am home for work.


Ya know?? I just love this idea. What a great way to refocus on the positive. And the printouts are uber cute! Thanks Brittni!


So cute! Thank you! Mine is printed, and I shall test it at the end of the day today 🙂


What a wonderful habit to form! I shall spread the word post haste….cheers!

Theresa (Miss Charlotte)

This is great, I’ve been reading Gretchen Rubin’s, The Happiness Project and I think this idea might be just the thing to help my family reframe the day at dinner time.
Thank you for this lovely gift!


YAY for taking the time to be positive about things 🙂


That’s lovely! Thank you


glad you like it pilli! thanks for stopping by.


WOW! Thank you so very much!!
This is such a lovely gift!

& have wonderful (and above all positive) day!

pilli pilli
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