I’ve been wanting to get back into sharing my style guides here for a while and I figured the start of this month was as good a time as any. So here it goes – June’s style guide!
Lately, I’ve been inspired by typefaces (which you can see peaking out from the top of this month’s style guide), earth tones, textiles, and patterns. I’ve kept some of my old favorites up this month, from past style guides. And added new things as I’ve found them.
In case you’re curious… Behind the scenes, I never actually stopped putting these things together. I just haven’t shared ’em in a while because I’ve been feeling pretty overwhelmed these last several months. Strangely, organizing and sharing these guides makes me feel more calm and put together. So, I’m happy they’re back. Hope you are too.
Here are some photos of what my style guide is looking like this month. And yes, I still have that mildly inappropriate ribbon hanging up. What can I say…it speaks to me. 🙂
Have you tried putting together your own style guide yet? What are you inspired by this month? I’d love to hear.
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Awesome Kimberly.
BrittniI just started my first style blog and am loving the process. These days I am loving neutrals (primarily black, gray, and tan), brass, and textures.