How to Hack You Way to an Easy Updo that Will Keep People Guessing (in 5 Minutes)

By Brittni • posted on 09/07/2023

How to Hack You Way to an Easy Updo that Will Keep People Guessing (in 5 Minutes)

I’m not really into super complicated hair tutorials that look cool but take FOREVER to recreate. Figuring out what to wear in the morning and doing my makeup is hard enough. I am, however, very into hair tutorials that look complicated and cool BUT are actually really quick and easy! And maybe you are too?

So, here’s a hair tutorial that totally fits the bill. 

What I love most about this effortless updo is that while it looks complicated, it’s actually SUPER easy to pin up and can be worn day or night for a casual cool vibe, anytime.

This 5 minute hair tutorial will work for all hair types – thin hair, thick hair, curly hair, straight hair, etc – it just has to be long enough to put into a ponytail.

Now onto the hair tutorial…

5 minute hair tutorial that looks like it took a whole lot longer. Click through for the simple technique that makes this hair tutorial as easy as can be.

A 5 minute hair hack hair tutorial

What You’ll Need

  • bobby pins
  • dry shampoo or texturizing powder
  • hair spray

How to Pull Off a Cool Updo in 5 Minutes

Start by adding some texture to your hair. If your hair needs some added movement, you can do this by first running a curling iron through your hair.

Then, give it a quick spray with dry shampoo or a light hairspray to keep it from falling out throughout the day/night.

Separate your hair into small(ish) sections – use the photo as a guide for section sizes.

With the first section, create a rope braid by dividing it into two parts and twisting them together.

Once you create your rope braid, separate a small clump of hair at the tip (maybe 20 strands or so) and hold that while you slide the rest of the rope braid up toward your head.

Then secure with bobby pins (underneath so they’re not peeking out for all to see).

Continue this for all of the sections of hair, while shaping and placing them, to create your desired look.

For Mallory’s updo, we wanted to create an asymmetrical look that moved from the base of her head upward in one direction.

But another option would be a more symmetrical look, which you would do the same way, but keep all the twisted pieces pinned to the back of the head without wrapping around like ours.

Pretty easy, right?! It’s a unique day to night do that will keep people wondering how you actually did it yourself. 🙂

5 minute hair tutorial that looks like it took a whole lot longer. Click through for the simple technique that makes this hair tutorial as easy as can be.

5 minute hair tutorial that looks like it took a whole lot longer. Click through for the simple technique that makes this hair tutorial as easy as can be.

5 minute hair tutorial that looks like it took a whole lot longer. Click through for the simple technique that makes this hair tutorial as easy as can be.

Photography and styling Brittni Mehlhoff
Hair Cori Maass
Model Mallory Hunter

Think you’ll give this easy hair tutorial a try? What does your morning beauty routine look like?

Do you spend a lot of time on your hair when you’re getting ready?! So curious to know if you’re like me (the quicker the better) or if you enjoy taking your time with that kind of stuff in the morning?!
























16 comments | Click here to reply

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This is indeed one of the simplest updos I’ve ever witnessed! Of course, nothing beats the ponytail 😉
But it looks so complicated and fancy at the same time, it’s unreal.
Care to write more useful tips for easy hairstyles? I am also the kind of girl who doesn’t spend that much time in front of the mirror in the morning. However, I still want to look stunning the entire day. It’s definitely a struggle!
Congrats to you, Brittni! Great job you did here 🙂

Angela Mackay

Yay! Glad to hear that Stephanie. Wish you could upload a pic too, I’d love to see how it turned out.


I gave this a try this morning and it worked like a charm! I wish I could upload a pic!

Stephanie Wade

Thanks Lisa and Pink Pineapple. 🙂


Wow ! Amazing Hairstyle i found here ! I Love this hairstyle so much ! Yes, this look complicated and cool BUT are actually really quick and easy! Thanks for sharing 🙂

Lisa Smith

Beautiful hairstyle i love your blog
New post:

The pink pineapple

The sadness of dark hair, Kay. I feel your pain (just dyed my hair dark again and you can never see any detail in updos now). 🙁


That updo is amazing! I love it, except that I have black hair so it won’t show…

Kay Nguyen

You could totally do this one Alison. It’s super easy!


So cute! I’m a little clutsy with up dos but I think I can do this one. Thanks!

Alison Palmer

Thanks Courtney. I love it too – Cori nailed it. 🙂


That hairstyle is so cute. I’ve never seen anything like this updo. I have to try out that hairstyle.

Courtney Hardy

Thanks Paige. I love it too.


I love this hairstyle!


Paige Flamm
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