Today is moving day! We’re headed to Atlanta right now and I couldn’t be more excited to get to our new place and explore our little neighborhood.
I won’t be doing any DIYing this weekend, unless you count unpacking boxes as a diy project. But I still have a handful of suggestions for you, in case you have some free time this weekend. Here are 6 DIYs to try this weekend…
1. brushstroke throw cushion DIY from Treasures and Travels
2. graphic door DIY from I Spy DIY
3. best pumpkin DIY – make a globe pumpkin from Martha Stewart
4. mini pumpkin pie recipe (yum!) from Yummy Mummy Kitchen
5. wood burned message food trays DIY
6. frozen hot chocolate popsicles recipe
P.S. There are a few spots left for my Atlanta West Elm workshop, if you want to sign up. Come make a geometric wood wreath with me, like this one, to add a modern spin to your holiday decorating. It’s free. RSVP here.
Hope you have a great weekend…And a happy Halloween!!
9 comments | Click here to reply
I’ll take a look. Thanks!
jaclyn schoknechtHI Jaclyn. I’m not sure who the artist is, but if you click the link to the DIY project, you can probably ask there to find out. It is a really gorgeous piece, I agree.
BrittniI adore that wall hanging! Who is the artist?
jaclyn schoknechtAren’t those cute, Robyn? I’m dying to try ’em myself.
BrittniThose mini-pumpkin pie recipes look amazing! Can’t wait to try them 🙂
RobynLove that one too, Shae.
BrittniThis pumpkin is so neat! If only I had the artistic ability to create it. On the other hand, I should be able to handle this cute pillow. Great finds!
ShaeS. Roderick
Isn’t that a cool project, Arielle. Definitely going to give that one a try next year.
Brittnithat is the best globe pumpkin!! there are some seriously clever people in this world. and you are definitely one of them! happy halloween!
love, arielle
ariellea simple elegance