7 DIYs to Try This Weekend

By Brittni • posted on 06/05/2017

7 DIYs to Try This Weekend

I don’t do much for all of those crazy food holidays anymore. BUT today is National Donut Day, so if you’re looking to celebrate with a donut recipe / project, I have a whole bunch right here: DIY donut ideas.

And if donuts aren’t you’re thing, no worries. I rounded up a bunch of donut-free projects to try for the weekend too. Click through for all 7 weekend project ideas.

1. DIY ways to makeover your shoes (colorfully)
2. DIY ball pull boxes from Fall for DIY
3. color blocked mirror DIY
4. color blocked storage lockers DIY from Sugar & Cloth
5. unique DIY planter idea
6. how to dye almost anything
7. french braid half crown from A Beautiful Mess

Happy weekend!


7 comments | Click here to reply

I love the idea for the DIY shoes. Something to do with the old ones and upgrade them. Anyways, thank you for sharing this. All are lovely.

Esther Diaz

Thanks Tara. Happy you like these ideas.


I love these ideas! That french braid half crown is simply gorgeous, while that planter idea is very beautiful. Thank you for sharing these ideas!!

Tara Peak

I thought those were fun too, Hannah. I love Fall for DIY’s ideas!


I love those little ball-topped boxes. So fun!

xx Hannah // www.HomemadeBanana.com


Thanks Michelle. That was a fun little project to create.


The colour blocked mirror looks so cool!

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