Oh My, It’s Chai: A Winter White Hot Chocolate Recipe with Chai

By Brittni • posted on 01/10/2017

White chai hot chocolate recipe for winter

Happy new year! It’s day two of the 2017 and if I’m being honest, I’m struggling to get back into the swing of things. Especially since it’s cold outside…the chilly weather makes me want to just curl up under a blanket.

BUT I’m doing my best to move past any possible slumps in the new year, with a hot chocolate recipe that will get (pretty much) anyone out of bed in the morning… white chai hot chocolate! Click through for the recipe.

Homemade white hot chocolate with chai


  • 1 1/2 cup of milk
  • 1/2 cup of half and half
  • 4 tablespoons of chai concentrate
  • 1 white chocolate candy bar


Whisk the milk and cream together in a sauce pan and let it come to a simmer. Once the milk mixture is warm add in the chai, and chocolate. Turn the heat to medium and whisk until the chocolate has dissolved. *Makes two servings.

Take it further…for even more chai, try it with a scoop of homemade chai ice cream on top. Yum!

White chai hot chocolate recipe for winter

White chai hot chocolate recipe for winter

White chai hot chocolate recipe for winter

Recipe Anissa Saxton
Styling and photography Brittni Mehlhoff

How’s the start of your new year going? Any big plans for the upcoming year?

15 comments | Click here to reply

Hi Pam. Usually, it will look something like this: http://amzn.to/2iQa7co.
It’s just a more concentrated version of chai.


What is Chai concentrate?


*Drool* Chai is one of my absolute favorite flavors! I could drink it all year, but I especially love it in the wintertime! I will definitely be trying this!

Megan Lacey

Yay. Thanks Jessica.


I’m all in! This sounds delicious x

Jessica — NinetyCo 


Oh! You’re going to love Seattle, Kimberly. Let me know how you like it (though it will no doubt be dreary there too, if you’re headed out soon).


This sounds so tasty! The new year is off to a great start, despite the dreary weather. I’m looking forward to some fun projects in 2017 and my first trip to Seattle!


They are Charlotte Smith cups, Elysia! Good eye. 🙂 You should totally get a set!


Those look like Charlotte Smith cups! Now that the holidays are over, I may need to treat myself to a set. 🙂


Thanks Ash! Aren’t the cups cool? They’re from a local artist.


A) this looks AMAZING. B) I need this cups!!!

Ashley | Sugar & Cloth

Aw, thanks so much Tori, Michelle, and Isoscella.


These look adorable and sound delicious!

isoscella // www.isoscella.co.uk


This sounds and looks super delicious, I have to try it!


Oh my, could this sound any more perfect or any more tailored to be my new favorite thing ever!

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