Sew Crafty Valentine

By Brittni • posted on 09/09/2023

Yesterday, I received an email from the lovely Amy of the LucyKate Crafts blog letting me know about a Valentine tutorial she came up with.
I am not all that great with a sewing machine, but I love this tutorial and am even thinking about tackling this project myself.
Anyway, Amy was kind enough to let me re-post the full tutorial here (which is also part giveaway- scroll down for all the info). Here is Amy’s tutorial in its entirety…


Are you guys ready for a little Valentines Day crafty tutorial? Would you like to make a cute little love letter for your loved one?
Right, let’s begin, you will need…
1. a square of felt or felted wool (mine is from a felted sweater), 16 x 16 cm
2. a square of fabric in a print of your choice, 18 x 18 cm
3. a square of bondaweb, 18 x 18 cm
4. extra bit of fabric for making a stamp and decorating the love letter
5. one snap fastener
6. a button
7. embroidery thread
8. pins, sewing needle, scissors
9. steam iron
10. sewing machine (optional!)
11. piece of card, 10 x 7 cm

Print out the above template so that it is 11cm across where marked, cut out and pin to the felt and trim to match.
Sew a running stitch along the marked ‘fold’ lines. This will be removed later as it is just a guide for the lettering position.

Place a small stamp shaped piece of fabric in the top right hand corner of the envelope front and stitch.
I’ve done this using my sewing machine, only because I feel guilty I’ve not used it much since I bought it, but you can easily do this by hand.
I also added an embroidered postmark for extra cuteness!

Next, embroider a name and address. It is obvious who mine is for, I couldn’t do anything suspicious, he reads my blog!
Once the address is complete, you can pull out the running stitch marker.

The next stage is to add the bondaweb, place your envelope on top of the sticky side of the bondaweb, turn both over, so the paper side is facing up and press with the steam iron.
Trim away the excess bondaweb and then peel off the backing paper.
Turn the envelope over again, face down, place the fabric right side up on top, and again, press with the steam iron to fix the two together.

Trim away the excess fabric, fold the envelope as indicated on the template, and once again, press with the steam iron.

To assemble the envelope, stitch a running stitch around all of the edges making sure to stitch through both layers where it overlaps, adding the button,

and snap fastener as you go.

Now you are ready to make something to go inside.
All I’ve done is given the card a torn edge, and stuck on a fabric heart. I’ll write the message later, …it’s private!

And voila, it’s done!. Don’t forget to pinch it back after Valentines Day, you can use the envelope again next year!

Now it’s time for a little Valentine giveaway, but this one is with a difference.
I would like you to nominate someone, be it family, friend, person in need or just because!
Leave a comment here saying who you would like a cotton reel pincushion to go to and why. I will choose a winner on Valentine’s day itself. They won’t get this for the 14th, but if they are reachable by email, I will send a message to tell them of their gift and who has won it for them.
(ps, if you do make one of these love letters, please do join the Lucykate Crafts… pattern pieces group on Flickr and post what you’ve made so I can see, thank you!)
Great tutorial Amy! Make sure you enter the giveaway on Amy’s blog at this link.

16 comments | Click here to reply

Is this a British site? I call these “spools” I clicked on “cotton reels” to see what the heck a reel was. I thought of a fishing reel at first.

Susan Ramsay

That is so creative. I love the envelope, stamp, and postmark. Easy to follow directions but probably still too hard for me. Thanks for sharing


très belle idée ,j’aime vraiment beaucoup


I would love to get the pin cushion, I teach high school sewing and would love to have it on my desk. I love to get little projects for the young ladies and gentlemen in my class so they can try to be creative also. I know it would inspire others. Thank you. Anita

Anita Homesley

[…] 3. Felt valentine by Papernstitch […]

{DIY} Fabric Envelopes | Creative Collective

[…] think this DIY for fabric envelopes is so cute and would be great for Mother’s Day! And I loveeee all of these cool ideas for […]

Pretty DIYs!, Women Haircuts 2011, Short Hiarcuts, Celebrity Haircuts, Emo Haircuts

Wow, this is such a cool idea! I will definitely give it a try and the steps look easy enough to follow.



That is about the cutest thing I have ever seen! I think many people have caught on to felting…I rarely see wool sweaters at the thrift shop anymore 🙁

Susan Reaney

My mother in law love sewing. She’ll be happy when receive this pin cushion.

Lay Hoon

[…] Fabric Love Note @ Paper n Stitch Blog […]

handmade valentine gift ideas |

[…] optionalcard stock, 10 x 7 cm To proceed with the project, check out this lovely tutorial on Paper n’ Stitch. Via. Don’t buy into the commercialism; show your loved ones you care with handmade […]

How to Sew a Valentine |

[…] part of my birthday gifts for M was a felt envelope. I found a nice tutorial on the net and thought to give it a […]

Sewing an envelope » Happy Serendipity

Oh I love this envelope, really so cute and clever. And which of you very lucky people above got the pin-cushion? Wish I’d seen this earlier, would have nominated my 7-year-old who has just taken up the sewing bug 😀 Really brilliant blog.


amazing post ! I will bookmark your blog . thanks


I found your blog on google and read a few of your other posts. I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more from you in the future.

Buy Sewing Supplies

I love this! Thanks for posting this-I’m wishing I had more time with all the great DIY tutorials I’ve been coming across lately!

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